Why should people ask a smart question?

25 Jan 2024

Ask for help when needed

When people are learning new things or ideas, they commonly come up with many questions or problems. To fully understand the concepts and be a master in that area, people should not be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions isn’t a bad thing, asking for help can both help you and others understand better the topic and contents you struggle with, and be able to benefit more and more people.

Ask a smart question is important

From the paragraph above, we know that asking questions isn’t a bad thing, however, people should try asking smart questions because it can increase the willingness of people to answer your questions, and also bring more efficiency to the whole process.

What is a smart question? How to ask a smart question?

What type of question can be counted as a smart question? A question that can be counted as a smart question is a question that gives a clear and detailed explanation of what kinds of problems you are facing in what kind of situation. Also, a smart question should show that a person has put some effort into figuring out the answer before asking the question. Therefore, for you to ask a smart question, you should do some preparation before it, making sure that the question you are facing is something that you are pretty sure you cannot find the solution by yourself, and can explain in detail to help others understand.

Example of a smart question and a not smart question

Smart question example: From this example, people can learn that this person’s question is straightforward to understand. This person has used quotation marks to quote the keyword he/she wants to ask about and specifically pointed out the programming languages he/she was using. Later in the body of his/her question, that person has given the complete code showing what he/she is doing and then asks many following questions related to the key work he/she quoted and the code he/she wrote. There were 51 replies to this question, some of the replies gave detailed explanations about his/her question and some of the replies came up with a summary to answer the question.

Not smart question example: From the example, people first can find out that this person didn’t manage and fix the grammar problem in his/her question. There isn’t any space between some of the periods in the sentence and some of the vocabulary doesn’t start with a capital letter. Moreover, although the person did give some information about things he/she wanted to ask, people can find out that this person didn’t do some searching before asking the question. Some of the questions he/she wrote are questions that seem very basic and can be found by doing some research on the internet. The reply that he/she got isn’t a surprise to anyone. This question was asked in 2011, however, there was only one reply, and the content of the reply is telling the person to look for something and do some homework.